Alpha Release 1.2.3 - P1 is Now Available for Testing

Hey everyone, Alpha Release Version 1.2.3 - P1 is now in the test phase and is available to all of our Special-Agent Tier Members and higher.

If you're not a Patreon member and interested to see what the game is all about. I highly recommend you check out our extended demo! 
Demo -
Patreon -

So what's in this new update?  Well, this version goes back and 'widens' the games story. Some scenes have been moved, reworked or removed. We've also added a bunch of new scenes that we think will help improve the story. You'll also get a little more quality time with Amanda before you stop over her place for some 'pork and chill.' XD

In addition to some small quality of life improvements and the usual bug fixes, there are a few more changes up the hood this time. So, I anticipate that this testing cycle will last a bit longer before we openly release the next update to the rest of our members.

In the meantime, I'll be getting back to 1.2.3 - P2. We have some new and exciting things coming in the near future.

Take care and Enjoy,

Get In The Shadow of the Versipellis

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